32 papers found
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A Procedure for Making High Dynamic-range Radio Images: Deep Imaging of the Kiloparsec-scale Radio Structures of a Distant Blazar, NRAO 530, with JVLA Data
A Nonthermal Radio Filament Connected to the Galactic Black Hole?
ALMA CO(3-2) Observations of Star-forming Filaments in a Gas-poor Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy
ALMA Detects CO(3–2) within a Super Star Cluster in NGC 5253
The 492 GHz emission of Sgr A* constrained by ALMA
Linearly polarized millimeter and submillimeter continuum emission of Sgr A* constrained by ALMA
Sma Observations of the Extended12co(j= 6–5) Emission in the Starburst Galaxy Ngc 253
A New Perspective of the Radio Bright Zone at the Galactic Center: Feedback From Nuclear Activities
Estimating Circumnuclear Disk temperatures using ALMA data
G359.97-0.038: A Hard X-Ray Filament Associated With a Supernova Shell-Molecular Cloud Interaction
Radio detection of a candidate neutron star associated with Galactic center supernova remnant Sagittarius A East
The High-Density Ionized Gas in the Central Parsec of the Galaxy
Dynamics of ionized gas at the Galactic Center: Very Large Array observations of the three-dimensional velocity field and location of the ionized streams in Sagittarius A West
Infall and Outflow of Molecular Gas in Sgr B2
Bending of Jets in the QSO NRAO 530
Dense and Warm Molecular Gas in Arp 220
An Unambiguous Detection of Faraday Rotation in Sagittarius A*
The Submillimeter Polarization of Sgr A*
Simultaneous Multi-Wavelength Spectrum of Sgr A* and Long Wavelength Cutoff at λ > 30 cm
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