38 papers found
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The Gould's Belt Distances Survey (GOBELINS). IV. Distance, Depth, and Kinematics of the Taurus Star-forming Region
The APOGEE-2 Survey of the Orion Star-forming Complex. I. Target Selection and Validation with Early Observations
VLBA Observations of Strong Anisotripic Radio Scattering Toward the Orion Nebula
Distances, Kinematics, And Structure Of Nearby Star-Forming Regions
Kinematics of the Optically Visible YSOs toward the Orion B Molecular Cloud
Characterizing the Stellar Population of NGC 1980
Radio Measurements of the Stellar Proper Motions in the Core of the Orion Nebula Cluster
The Gould’s Belt Distances Survey (Gobelins). Iii. The Distance to the Serpens/Aquila Molecular Complex
The Gould’s Belt Distances Survey (Gobelins). I. Trigonometric Parallax Distances and Depth of the Ophiuchus Complex
The Gould’s Belt Distances Survey (Gobelins). Ii. Distances and Structure Toward the Orion Molecular Clouds
HST 1.6μm Imaging Survey of Orion Protostars
The Gould's Belt Distances Survey (GOBELINS) II. Distances and structure towards the Orion Molecular Clouds
Orion: The Final Epoch (OrionTFE)
Spectroscopic Binaries in the Orion Nebula Cluster and NGC 2264
The Gould's Belt Very Large Array Survey. III. The Orion Region
HOPS 136: An Edge-on Orion Protostar near the End of Envelope Infall
HST Images of Protostellar Disks and Envelopes in Orion
Multiwavelength Observations of V2775 Ori, an Outbursting Protostar in L 1641: Exploring the Edge of the FU Orionis Regime
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