140 papers found
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An Unbiased ALMA Spectral Survey of the LkCa 15 and MWC 480 Protoplanetary Disks
UploadPlanetary Habitability Informed by Planet Formation and Exoplanet Demographics
UploadObserving Planetary Systems in the Making
UploadPlanet formation — The case for large efforts on the computational side
UploadThe Disk Gas Mass and the Far-IR Revolution
UploadThe trail of water and the delivery of volatiles to habitable planets
UploadRealizing the Unique Potential of ALMA to Probe the Gas Reservoir of Planet Formation
UploadHIRMES ─ HIgh Resolution Mid-infrarEd Spectrometer for SOFIA
UploadOrigins Space Telescope: Science Traceability Matrix and Design Reference Mission
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