167 papers found
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Merger rates of dark matter haloes
The effect of galaxy mass ratio on merger-driven starbursts
Scaling Relations of Spiral Galaxies
Constructing merger trees that mimic N-body simulations
Gravitational quenching in massive galaxies and clusters by clumpy accretion
The evolution of dark matter halo properties in clusters, filaments, sheets and voids
Bursting and quenching in massive galaxies without major mergers or AGNs
A Revised Model for the Formation of Disk Galaxies: Low Spin and Dark Halo Expansion
Natural downsizing in hierarchical galaxy formation
Shapes of Stellar Systems and Dark Halos from Simulations of Galaxy Major Mergers
On the Correlations of Massive Black Holes with Their Host Galaxies
Massive black hole seeds from low angular momentum material
Phase-space structure of dark matter haloes: scale-invariant probability density function driven by substructure
Virial shocks in galactic haloes?
Feedback and the fundamental line of low-luminosity low-surface-brightness/dwarf galaxies
Dark Halo Cusp: Asymptotic Convergence
Galactic halo cusp-core: tidal compression in mergers
Towards a resolution of the galactic spin crisis: mergers, feedback and spin segregation
Concentrations of Dark Halos from Their Assembly Histories
Galaxy Formation atz ∼ 3: Constraints from Spatial Clustering
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