Brian McLeod
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
87 papers found
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MMT and Magellan infrared spectrograph
The Extinction Law in High‐Redshift Galaxies
The Evolution of a Mass‐selected Sample of Early‐Type Field Galaxies
The Strongly Polarized Afterglow of GRB 020405
PKS 1830−211: A Face‐on Spiral Galaxy Lens
QSO 2237+0305VRLight Curves from Gravitational LensES International Time Project Optical Monitoring
Erratum: “Hubble Space TelescopeObservations of 10 Two‐Image Gravitational Lenses” (ApJ, 536, 584 [2002])
Subarcsecond Optical Images of the Radio Gravitational Lens B1152+199
B1359+154: A Six‐Image Lens Produced by az≃ 1 Compact Group of Galaxies
Constraints on Galaxy Density Profiles from Strong Gravitational Lensing: The Case of B1933+503
The Importance of Einstein Rings
Multifrequency Analysis of the New Wide‐Separation Gravitational Lens Candidate RX J0921+4529
NICMOS Observations of Low‐Redshift Quasar Host Galaxies
PMN J1838−3427: A New Gravitationally Lensed Quasar
The Fundamental Plane of Gravitational Lens Galaxies and The Evolution of Early‐Type Galaxies in Low‐Density Environments
The Host Galaxy of the Lensed Quasar Q0957+561
Hubble Space TelescopeObservations of 10 Two‐Image Gravitational Lenses
The Infrared Einstein Ring in the Gravitational Lens MG J1131+0456 and the Death of the Dusty Lens Hypothesis
The Quasar Pair Q1634+267A,B and the Binary QSO versus Dark Lens Hypotheses
Dust and Extinction Curves in Galaxies with \documentclass{aastex} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{bm} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{pifont} \usepackage{stmaryrd} \usepackage{textcomp} \usepackage{portland,xspace} \usepackage{amsmath,amsxtra} \usepackage[OT2,OT1]{fontenc} \newcommand\cyr{ \renewcommand\rmdefault{wncyr} \renewcommand\sfdefault{wncyss} \renewcommand\encodingdefault{OT2} \normalfont \selectfont} \DeclareTextFontCommand{\textcyr}{\cyr} \pagestyle{empty} \DeclareMathSizes{10}{9}{7}{6} \begin{document} \landscape $z> 0$ \end{document} : The Interstellar Medium of Gravitational Lens Galaxies
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