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The ASTRI SST-2M prototype for the Cherenkov Telescope Array: opto-mechanical performance
UploadASTRI SST-2M camera electronics
UploadSoftware use cases to elicit the software requirements analysis within the ASTRI project
UploadA Method to Calibrate the High-Resolution Catania Astrophysical Observatory Spectropolarimeter
UploadGIANO-TNG spectroscopy of red supergiants in the young star cluster RSGC3
UploadAIV procedure for a CHEOPS demonstration model
UploadPreparing EChO space mission: laboratory simulation of planetary atmospheres
UploadShaping the PSF to nearly top-hat profile: CHEOPS laboratory results
UploadGIANO-TNG spectroscopy of red supergiants in the young star cluster RSGC2
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