Baojiu Li
Durham University
152 papers found
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Galaxy cluster lensing masses in modified lensing potentials
Modified gravityN-body code comparison project
Distinguishing general relativity andf(R)gravity with the gravitational lensing Minkowski functionals
Effective Dark Matter Halo Catalog inf(R)Gravity
Weak lensing by voids in modified lensing potentials
Rapid simulation rescaling from standard to modified gravity models
Exploring the liminality: properties of haloes and subhaloes in borderlinef(R) gravity
f(R) gravity on non-linear scales: the post-Friedmann expansion and the vector potential
Using cosmic voids to distinguishf(R) gravity in future galaxy surveys
K-mouflage gravity models that pass Solar System and cosmological constraints
Testing gravity using cosmic voids
Voids in modified gravity reloaded: Eulerian void assignment
Linear perturbations in K-mouflage cosmologies with massive neutrinos
Testing the quasi-static approximation inf(R) gravity simulations
Chameleon f(R) gravity on the Virgo cluster scale
Revisiting the screening mechanism inf(R)gravity
Galaxy infall kinematics as a test of modified gravity
Void Dynamics
Nonlinear structure formation in nonlocal gravity
The observational status of Galileon gravity after Planck
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