Franco Vazza
100 papers found
Refreshing results…
Turbulence in the ICM from mergers, cool-core sloshing, and jets: results from a new multi-scale filtering approach
The Injection and Feedback of Cosmic Rays in Large-Scale Structures
The gas distribution in the outer regions of galaxy clusters
Why are central radio relics so rare?
Modelling injection and feedback of cosmic rays in grid-based cosmological simulations: effects on cluster outskirts
A comparison of cosmological codes: properties of thermal gas and shock waves in large-scale structures
The scatter in the radial profiles of X-ray luminous galaxy clusters as diagnostic of the thermodynamical state of the ICM
Massive and refined
Merger and non-merger galaxy clusters in cosmological AMR simulations.
The entropy core in galaxy clusters: numerical and physical effects in cosmological grid simulations
Massive and refined: A sample of large galaxy clusters simulated at high resolution. I: Thermal gas and properties of shock waves
A decline and fall in the future of Italian Astronomy?
Massive & Refined: Shocks and Turbulent motions in Massive Galaxy Clusters at High Dynamical Range
The mixing and transport properties of the intra cluster medium: a numerical study using tracers particles
Turbulent motions and shocks waves in galaxy clusters simulated with adaptive mesh refinement
Shock waves in Eulerian cosmological simulations: main properties and acceleration of cosmic rays
Cosmological shocks in Eulerian simulations: main properties and cosmic rays acceleration.
Cosmological Shocks in Simulated Large Scale Structures, accelerated Cosmic Rays and IC Emission in the X-ray band
Turbulent velocity fields in smoothed particle hydrodymanics simulated galaxy clusters: scaling laws for the turbulent energy
Turbulent gas motions in galaxy cluster simulations: the role of smoothed particle hydrodynamics viscosity
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