Harlan Spence
223 papers found
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Observation of the 40 keV field-aligned ion beams
First energetic neutral atom images from Polar
First observations by the CEPPAD imaging proton spectrometer aboard POLAR
On separating space and time variations of auroral precipitation: Dual DMSP-F6 and -F8 observations
First polar and 1995-034 observations of the midaltitude cusp during a persistent northward IMF condition
Global Energetic Neutral Atom (ENA) measurements and their association with the Dst index
Tail lobe and open field line region entries at mid to high latitudes
ISTP: Relativistic particle acceleration and global energy transport
Towards inner magnetosphere particle and field models
Initial POLAR MFE observation of substorm signatures in the polar magnetosphere
A new, temporarily confined population in the polar cap during the August 27, 1996 geomagnetic field distortion period
Alfvén boundaries: Noses and zippers
AMPTE/CCE and SCATHA simultaneous observations of magnetic signatures associated with a substorm onset
CRRES observations of particle flux dropout events
The what, where, when, and why of magnetospheric substorm triggers
Low altitude signatures of the plasma sheet: Model predictions of local time dependence
Surface charging analysis of high-inclination, high-altitude spacecraft: Identification and physics of the plasma source region
Space-time structure of the morning aurora inferred from coincident DMSP-F6, -F8, and Søndrestrøm incoherent scatter radar observations
Comparison of field-aligned currents at ionospheric and magnetospheric altitudes
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