World Scientific Publishing, International Journal of Modern Physics D, 06(19), p. 917-922, 2010
DOI: 10.1142/s0218271810016877
Full text: Unavailable
We present a sequence of 12 monthly polarimetric multi-frequency VLBA observations of the radio galaxy 3C 120. The motion of multiple superluminal components allows the mapping of the polarization structure along most of the jet and across its width, revealing a coherent in time Faraday screen and RM-corrected polarization angles. Gradients in Faraday rotation and degree of polarization across the jet are observed, together with a localized region of high rotation measure superposed on this structure. This is explained as produced by the presence of a helical magnetic field in a two-fluid jet model, consisting of an inner emitting jet and a sheath containing nonrelativistic electrons. Interaction of the jet with the external medium would explain the confined region of enhanced Faraday rotation.