Cambridge University Press (CUP), Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, S257(4), p. 335-340, 2008
DOI: 10.1017/s1743921309029512
Full text: Unavailable
AbstractInterplanetary radio observations provide important information on particle acceleration processes at the Sun and propagation of the accelerated particles in the solar wind. Cane et al. (2002) have drawn attention to a class of prominent radio bursts that accompany >20 MeV solar proton events. They call these bursts ‘type III-L’ because: they are fast drifting (like normal type III bursts associated with electrons accelerated at impulsive solar flares); they are Long-lasting compared to normal type III bursts; they occur Late compared to the onset of the related solar event; and, they commence at Lower frequencies (~100 MHz) than normal type III bursts, suggesting that they originate higher in the corona at ~0.5 Rs above the Sun. We report on an analysis of the correlated radio and SEP events during 1996-2006 using the Wind Waves and near-Earth SEP data sets, and discuss whether the characteristics of the complex type III bursts (at less than 14 MHz) will permit them to serve as proxies for SEP event occurrence and intensity.