World Scientific Publishing, International Journal of Modern Physics: Conference Series, (08), p. 372-375, 2012
DOI: 10.1142/s2010194512004928
Full text: Unavailable
The supernova remnant SNR G016.8-01.1 is close to the gamma-ray binary system LS 5039, one of the five gamma-ray binaries currently known. LS 5039 appears to have been born in the SNR G016.8-01.1 just ~ 105 yr ago, as indicated by its proper motion. This association would provide direct implications on the nature and properties of the unknown compact object in the binary system. However, there is another source close to SNR G016.8-01.1 that could have been born during the SN explosion: the pulsar PSR J1825-1446, for which the proper motion is unknown. We are measuring the proper motion of both sources by means of VLBI radio observations in order to constrain their origin. Here we present the first results of a VLBA campaign on PSR J1825-1446 to measure its proper motion. We discuss the possible kinematical age of this pulsar, and the possible association of LS 5039 and PSR J1825-1446 with the supernova remnant.