M. R. House, & A. S. Gale (eds) 1995. Orbital Forcing Timescales and Cyclostratigraphy. Geological Society Special Publication no. 85. v + 210 pp. London, Bath: Geological Society of London. Price £60.00, US$100.00 (members £29.00, US$48.00); hard covers. ISBN 1 897799 23 3. - R. E. Dunay, & E. A. Hailwood (eds) 1995. Non-biostratigraphical Methods of Dating and Correlation. Geological Society Special Publication no. 89. vi + 265 pp. London, Bath: Geological Society of London. Price £60.00, US$100.00 (hard covers); members' price £29.00, US$48.00. ISBN 1 897799 30 6.