
WB Saunders

blue Allows pre/post prints


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Last updated on 01/07/2014, report any error to them.

WB Saunders

Green open access summary

This is a short summary of the green open access policy of WB Saunders.

Green circle
Preprint: archiving allowed
Green circle
Postprint: archiving allowed
Red circle
Published version: archiving forbidden


  • Pre-print allowed on any website or open access repository
  • Voluntary deposit by author of authors post-print allowed on institutions open scholarly website including Institutional Repository, without embargo, where there is not a policy or mandate
  • Deposit due to Funding Body, Institutional and Governmental policy or mandate only allowed where separate agreement between repository and the publisher exists.
  • Permitted deposit due to Funding Body, Institutional and Governmental policy or mandate, may be required to comply with embargo periods of 12 months to 48 months
  • Set statement to accompany deposit
  • Published source must be acknowledged
  • Must link to journal home page or articles' DOI
  • Publisher's version/PDF cannot be used
  • Articles in some journals can be made Open Access on payment of additional charge
  • NIH Authors articles will be submitted to PubMed Central after 12 months
  • Authors who are required to deposit in subject-based repositories may also use Sponsorship Option
  • Publisher last reviewed on 03/07/2015
  • 'WB Saunders' is an imprint of ''

Policy details

Beta version